1. Applicant information.
a) Legal name of organization:
b) Executive Director:
c) Contact person/title:
d) Email and webpage:
e) Address:
f) Phone number:
g) Incorpoation date (in case of an organization):
h) Incorporation papers information:
i) Brief summary of the organization, group and/or executing person:
j) Include the following documents in electronic format:
a) Amount Requested:
b) Total Project Cost:
c) Annual Operative Budget for your organization:
a) Have you carried out previous projects with IMF?
( ) Yes. Which ones?
( ) No.
b) Have you carried out previous projects of the same nature?
( ) Yes. Which ones?
( ) No. Please state other kinds of projects completed or other relevant experience
c) Have you previously carried out this type of project with IMF?
( ) Yes. Which ones? Please mention the results of these projects.
( ) No.
a) Beginning project date:
b) End project date:
a) Justification. Please include historical background of the needs/problems and the reasons why the project should be carried out.
b) Geografic Area:
c) Beneficiaries. Include number of people, population sector, etc.
d) Project’s General Objective. Describe the goal of this project in 50 words or less.
e) Specific objectives. Describe the changes expected as a result of the project which contribute to Project’s General Objective and to the solution of the problem.
f) Strategies and activities. What activities will be carried out and how will they be implemented?
g) Goals. Include milestones, deadlines, results and products expected of the project.
h) Measures of success. For each specific objective or strategy define at least one qualitative indicator (subjective, tells us if the desired situation is achieved very well, slightly, or not at all), and at least one quantitative indicator (objective, number, percentage or other measurable quality).
a) Identify the participatory roles of the people/communities/organizations in the project.
b) What abilities, capabilities and/or skills will you create in the community?
c) Identify other organizations which carry out similar activities to those proposed and/or with which you might collaborate in this project.
d) What is innovative or different about the proposed project when compared to other which could be considered similar?
a) Description of key staff, volunteers and other people involved, including their responsibilities in the project.
b) Qualifications or experience of the staff listed in the previous point.
c) Calendar of your Executive Board meetings, with the purpose that a person from the Foundation may visit without previous notice.
a) Explain the basis of expected sustainability of the project.
b) Identify possible long-term sponsors for the project.
c) Please specify how the project will be sustained in the future.
d) Risk analysis. ¿What are the possible challenges of the project and how will you face them?
Please include a detailed project Budget in an Excel spreadsheet, including matching funds from your organization and other possible sponsors. Specify material costs, human resources, operational and administrative costs (Operational costs are those directly related to the project, and administrative costs are those used in indirect support to the project).
Detailed timeline of activities. (can be included directly in this format, or as an attached file).
Please include any additional information which you consider important to include in your request.