Why strengthening NPOs

The growth in the number of Civil Society Organizations , worldwide, is increasing and it is because these are a way in which citizens express their sense of responsibility, commitment to their community and even their patriotism.

Despite the nobility of this motivation, we can find many examples of good intentions, where they don’t get the expected effect. The causes of this can come from organizations, government and social investors (commonly known as donors). Regarding the latter, sometimes they come to ignore the best way to help organizations and, without proper management, they can even harm them. Because although giving is an “emotional experience”, we must do it with our brains and thus ensure that all support has the greatest possible impact.

Moreover, there are governments that, instead of seeing and treating organizations as an ally in their fight against social inequalities, they consider them as competition or detractors or, in the best scenario, they don’t know the right way to approach organized citizenship and encourage their participation.

On the other hand, even though social organizations are a proven and appropriate vehicle to help mitigate the difficulties experienced by communities, and in general our country and the world, some lack the knowledge and skills to ensure the efficient development of their programs and those weaknesses won’t be solved alone, by the mere passage of time; on the contrary, they will surely grow. In certain cases, CSOs are concerned about having people specialized in the issues they wish to attack, but not about how to manage an organization, much less how to grow and strengthen it. In most cases they are highly passionate groups, with the risk of losing enthusiasm because they lack adequate guidance, though.

It is important to bear in mind that the sustainable development of our planet has become a priority task, a task in which all sectors should participate. Therefore, it is vital that governments assume a role through which they promote the social sector, far from inhibiting it, companies add social values ​​to their products, the academy participates actively, as a strategic ally and that CSOs guarantee total efficiency in their management.

About this, if we want the virtue of giving and sharing to improve the world, at the same time, we need that its recipients make the most of these supports. Otherwise, the people we help or even the organizations themselves will become eternal needy, not being efficient and not achieving sustainability.

Brigitte Mohn says that “the success of an organization must be evaluated based on numerous factors: the profitable management of the capital of the organization, the effective fulfillment of the objectives contemplated in its by-laws, the elaboration of a well-founded strategy, effective management and efficient of their projects and their public legitimacy”.