We believe that all social causes are valuable, those that have environmental goals, those that focus on health issues, those that care for the elderly. We would like to take care of all the needs of our community, any community, but we must focus on something and do it well; maybe later, we can get involved in more areas.
However, we believe that by focusing on the youth, we serve all sectors. Because if children and younglings have a productive activity and, in addition, they are in a safe place in the afternoons, their mothers will not only be able to dedicate themselves to other things, they will find peace of mind that will help them to develop them in a better way. If we teach the youth about the importance of the environment, the balance that must exist between all species, we will be taking care of nature. If we teach them the benefits of a healthy diet and how they can access it without spending too much, we will be improving their health and if we manage to impact their values, they will, at a given moment, embrace those others whom we couldn’t, they will be in charge of making their community, our community, a sustainable, holistic and visionary place, and they will even be able to continue with the work that we started.
In addition, we believe that investing in children and the youth is one of the most praiseworthy actions, giving them hope is giving hope to the mature persons that will be tomorrow. Helping them to build their lives with solid foundations is to improve the conditions on which a community will grow, a country and the whole world.